
Originally, Loop is an electroacoustic musical term, but it also perfectly covers the visual repetition this exhibition intended to present. The concept can be applied for the regular intensification of abstract-geometric art tradition and the re-emerging in young oeuvre just as much as for the repetitive forms of systems that provide the basis for these works.

The exhibition attempted to present this recurrence within the abstract-geometric aspirations through some of the cultic works of the new geometric aspirations of the 1960s and through today’s new geometric experiments. While in the 1960s artists tried to build an independent visual grammaticism on the system of geometry and structure, today, the focus is on image quality, conveying the visual solutions of the early works. 

The objective of the exhibition was to highlight the similarities and differences through displaying the work of some of the major representatives of the diverse trends, to connect the various generations and to present the most recent abstract-geometric painting aspirations.

Artists: Bak Imre, Fridvalszki Márk, Haász Katalin, Tamás Hencze, Márton Enikő, Nádler István, Nemes Márton, Szinyova Gergő.

Curator: Sárvári Zita