Himmel über… Zwischenräume

“I was wondering how to fit in most of the room, and I imagined a direct painterly encounter with the walls.” - Enikő Márton

In order to introduce her usual painterly themes and interests and to appear with the highest presence for the exhibition, Márton paints the interior of Aperto Raum, from the ceiling down. With her ray-structure-like color transitions she paints the room with acrylic color, thereby creating an atmosphere similar to that of sacred spaces.

For Márton, this is about the essence of painting and the idea of the potential function of the "craft" as in previous art historical periods. For her, it is important to connect the aesthetics and idea of art with the original idea of "function," such as in the Renaissance.

Making connections - is Márton’s motto during the creative act in painting and also for the audience, in order that they move beyond the visual into a spiritual connection with the work - like a meditation, standing with your head up to the ceiling. This encounter on a metaphysical level with the color spectra is the result of the light beams reflecting on the surface of the paint, thus creating a poetic story of the birth of color.